Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thank goodness!!! ...I think

I knew today was gonna be a tough day. For starters, I had planned about a week ago to go over to my dad's house and try to increase his culinary repertoire. Easy-peasy! Two days ago, we informed our landlord that we could no longer afford to live in the house, so we needed to move out. All was good as far as us moving out, they had no problem as long as we stayed the 45 days agreed upon in the lease. Our lease was up at the end of the month anyway. We just had to make sure the house was ready for viewings at any time. No problem!

That is until yesterday when they called and informed us that they had an interested party who wanted to view the house the next evening(this evening at this point). That was fast!! They hadn't even put up the For Rent sign yet!! So I obliged(like I could actually say no) and went into panic mode. I mean, it's not like we live like pigs, or anything, but I knew there was A LOT of laundry that needed to be done and, well, I hadn't done a deep clean... ever. So I knew today was going to be a VERY busy day.

My sister(bless her heart!) came over and helped me and we spent from 11 am- 4:30pm just cleaning The front half of the house. And cleaning. Oh, and cleaning some more(I think it's cleaner than when I moved in!).  By that point we still had the three bedrooms we needed to clean, laundry etc. There was no way we could get it done. So what did we do? Cleaned like a 3 year old. EVERYTHING went under the beds, beds got made to cover and vacuuming commenced. We were on the third bedroom, only one of them actually vacuumed, when my landlord called at 5 and said the appointment cancelled. Yay!! ...I think.

On the plus side, it means we don't have to clean anymore today! No more rush, no more panic. But on the other hand, that means I still have more cleaning ahead of me later... under the beds. Argh!! But my house has never been cleaner!

Now off to my dad's to cook for him. Wish me luck!

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